Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week 3: Truth

So the weekend was out of control. I did not want to give details as they are pretty insane, but as there are photos on facebook of some of it, might as well explain the part that has made it's way onto the web:

The Girls found their Mojo
We played "Aussie flip cup" pretty much if you lose the winning team makes like a dare for the losing team.
Examples: snog down the losing line, lick your teeth down the losing line, lick from chin to forehead down the losing line, spit wine into the next persons mouth (from start to finish) down the losing line... etc. high stakes to win, I was sufficiently grossed out when we lost initially and heard the first dare to the point I chugged quite a bit of wine before letting anyone touch me. Then ad in the factor that once you sat down, you were stuck in the spot you sat down in. No switching teams, or position along the line. People were obviously drunk, some borderline blackout. Some guys sat down next to their best friend ready to play flip cup, lost, and would end up having to kiss the guy next to them. Hysterical.

The boys having a snog of wine

Aftermath. No homo.

licking down the losing line
 So obviously I tried cheating (we all know I have a phobia of spit). Additionally thought I was being nice, I stuck up my sleeve and pretended to lick instead of really licking the last guy, but the kid called me out! "She didn't lick me!!!!" "WHAT. Do you wanttt to be licked?!"

The night went on and most of us went skinny dipping. Kelsey, myself, Leila, and one of the surfing instructors went in first. Then about 10 dudes and two girls followed suit. When we were done streaking, Kels and Leila decided they would steal everyones clothes, moveing them up the beach a bit.

Other shenanigans continued throughout the night, pillow theft, crazy fights, and continued insanity... hopefully none of those hit facebook! This was seriously the best weekend I have experienced here in Australia! Met some great kids and am really looking forward to more weekends like this to come! :)

**Thank you Elle and Colleen for the photos!**

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 3

It seems like I am going to be unbelieveably busy with school work. I am giving a presentation on Wednesday, ad journals due the following week, 28 photos to pass in tomorrow,  write a business plan by Friday. ...I'm confused when did Bond become Bentley?

In anycase, thus far I have read two books and watched a documentary on Mary Bryant. One remarkable lady, an escaped convict. Sent to Botany Bay (Australia) to serve out her sentence for stealing a silk bonnet. On her voyage she gave birth to Charlotte whom she named after the boat. Once in Australia she married William Bryant, a fisherman, gave birth to his son Emmanuel, and tried her best to keep her family healthy through dire conditions. She later made her escape with six other men and her new family; however, on the crossing back to England, she was recatured and lost her husband and two children. When she arrived in England she was a local celebrity, and was able to attain the generosity of Boswell who helped her gain the freedom she desired. The End.

Like seriously? Why are there 300 pages written to basically say just that? The sources conflict in data. It's gave me a headache. I wrote up a rough presentation on the ride to SPOT X.

Neighbors and Roomies with our huts.

Do not judge. My bed on the last day.

Pink: Gelato
I met up outside with about 20 other kids from Bond going on the surfing weekend. Got up on waves, learned to pump and steer. My body is in more pain than it has been in years, and I like it.  I look terrible surfing, most awkward being alive, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and am slightly addicted. Socially, the weekend was out of control. There is definetly a reason why certain fun is illegal; irregardless, it was a blast. We stopped on the way back in Byron Bay. I grabbed a gelato: "Scoop of Pistacio and Noccio in a cone please"

Sad to have buises, upset to leave

We found our mojo.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week 2

Classes have officially started. I have homework, reading, assignments. It's going to be an interesting semester. My first photography assignment is to take 10 good self-portraits to submit and bring to class. It's harder and more time consuming than you'd think! I also have quite a bit of reading to do! This week we went to the beach and this weekend we went to Nimbin on the 'Magic Bus.' We also visited a water hole, jumped off a rope swing and then warmed up by a fire. In Nimbin we got cookies to eat on the way home. We listened to heady music the entire time and stopped along the way for drinks. It was a good day.

Arrival on the 'Magic Bus'
 The boys went off in search of something more interesting than what the town was readily offering. I went to find a friendly coffee hut. I ended up in a small bright kitchy seating area and ordered a cappacino. There were photography books scattered all over the tables. I stared at early 1900 aboriginal scarification portraits. There were pictures of men with scaring on their backs that were so heavy and defined, the scars appeared as if wings. The 'wing' design was to protect from club beatings; however, most of the designs were soley decoration. Each tribe had different scaring, and some leaders would supposedly sign treaties with marks that looked like their scaring. Nimbin itself, was like a scar, left over from the 1970's.

               The place seemed pretty much deserted. Only a few actual residents, the area's populants mostly being tourists and travellers backpacking through the shanty town. In the 1970's it was the land of Aquarius, a peace movement was held here for 10 days by the Australian Union of Students with Johnny Allen, Graeme Dunstan and Paul Joseph heading the organized celebration (http://www.nimbinweb.com.au/nimbin/history/history2.htm). After the celebration, some went home, others stayed to contribute to what is left of the colorful city with its even more vibrant nonconfromist dwellers. We had lunch at the Sphinx Rock Cafe.

Rainforest Waterhole
The Bentley Kids at the Waterhole
 We left Nimbin and headed for a small watering hole. It was fun roasting marshmellows and jumping off the ropeswing. There was no place to change, but the woods. So I walked up a ways along the path and was about to change out of my wet clothing, but A. there were plenty of kids with the group (about 40) and I didn't want some of the kids who had wandered off to smoke to stumble on me changing and B. a car drove past just as I was about to drop my pants. I walked back to the group unchanged and looked at our tour guide with eyes that said "Are you kidding me?" His response was in a disbelief, laughing voice, "that was the one car that will drive by all year."

Later haze Magic Bus

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Welcome to Bond University, Australia

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 1

I am officially living in the land down under. Week 1 has flown by! Somehow I got my jet lagged and hungover self through the week. I have met some amazing people, and everyone seems intent on having a great semester in Australia!

The Orientation Week here is incredible, I am more than impressed. What a difference to the arrival at RHUL. I got driven to my dorm by one of the first people I  met here, and got my student card the first day! I am an enrolled student and have all my courses set up, "tuts" (tutorials) in addition to the lectures. On top of this, wonderful seminars and tours demonstrated some of the school's support systems and facilities available to us.  These concepts blew my mind.

The school set up social events for us: trivia nights, pregames, transportation to clubs and beaches... It has been a great first week!

I may try to get a part time job while here. I can only work 20 hours on my student visa and working here should help me meet some locals. It is my understanding that it is harder to become friends with the Australians who go to school here because they are under the assumption that "you're just some American here for the semester and ultimately here to party." Understandable.

I am thinking of getting a bike to get around, and am questioning buying a surfboard. I definitely want to learn! A couple Bentley kids went out and bought them without ever taking a class, and are learning on their own... I think I need to take a class though a. I'm not a strong swimmer b. the riptide can get pretty strong.

                                   En route to a Broadbeach  club decked out in Tight N' Bright apparel
The songs were no where near the g-rated elementary tunes like "Miss Susie" that used to make people giggle in the back of the bus. I was a bit taken-aback, was not quite ready for the repeat after me tune that ensued with lyrics like "If I knew a Yank, a horny horny yank, and I was a Bondi, I'd pull off his Wank" "I wish that all the ladies, were fine going south"

The club scene here is bizarre. Girls can be asked to pay up to a 20$ cover charge. Girls also step on each other, the boys want to fight each other, and if you seem sloshed? The bouncer asks you to leave, "go get water and pizza." (No, this has not happened to me. Yet.) For the record my feet are so sore from every one's spikes. At first I thought it was accidental, but as it keeps happening I have learned to 'create space.' I have seen two Australians, on two separate occasions, try to start fights with my guy friends, and have witnessed quite a few grotesque aussie street fights.

Pizza take away here is about three dollars, but everything else at a decent restaurant can run you easily thirty dollars for a good meal. For example, earlier  when I asked for salmon (fifteen dollars, one of the cheaper items on the menu, even less than the salads which go for twenty-five!) I received four thin slices of raw fish. In addition, disappointingly, I have yet to find a place that serves decent filter coffee, and the cappuccino's, which are not even that great, go for about five dollars for a small cup.

All in all, things are going great and I am doing more than alright!
Classes start tomorrow, wish me luck!